Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Bring on the fireworks!  It is time to celebrate all those failed New Year's resolutions!   

For instance,  blogging on a regular basis for 2012 is off to a slow start for me.  But have no fear, I completely plan to make it up to my 0 readers by blogging at least twice a week as if anyone was actually reading.  

 Aside from blogging on a regular basis, I made a few other resolutions.

The first was to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables.  This has been no problem.  Now if I could just make myself eat them more often.

Next, I decided that I would be nicer.  I made a valiant effort, but we can go ahead and cross that one off the list.
Be nicer to everyone.

I made a resolution to spend more time working on my etsy store.  Surprise!  This one is actually going well.  I am taking an interest in my store and I can definitely see the rewards.  More views, more favorites and most importantly- more sales!

So, one resolution isn't happening at all.
Another one is off to a slow start.
One is sort of happening, but not really living up to my expectations.
And one of them is actually paying off!

It might not be the best record, but I'm willing to bet I'm ahead of most people who decided to quit smoking or lose weight.  What can I say?  I'm an optimist.

Oh, here are some pictures of flamingos that I took at the local zoo.  Enjoy!  

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