Monday, September 10, 2012

Instagram Rant: Also Making Good on a Resolution

I just realized it is still 2012 and there is a slight chance I can make good on my New Year's resolution to blog more.  I think I will post about the infuriating wonder that is Instagram.

Anyone with an iPhone or Android phone has probably fallen prey to the Instagram App.  It seems like such a great way to manipulate photos and make them look different and stand out.  For instance, doesn't Chaucer, my red tabby look absolutely precious in the photo above?  Of course he does.  Nothing like a somewhat sepia tone and a close up that is nearly terrifying to bring out the true beauty of a spoiled house cat.

A rare moment where she is still enough for a photo.
To the left is a picture of Mini, the orange tabby who is normally full of energy and literally bouncing off the walls.  This is a rare moment where she held still long enough for me to capture a non blurry image.  The black border and pale lighting make this photo stand out. It also makes the photo look like it was taken with the latest technology of the 1970s.

But my cats don't care. They will never look at a scrapbook and wonder why I took such crappy photos in the year 2012.  Which brings me to my next point.

First day of school memories.

This is the Instagram photo I took of my foster son's first day of school.  Notice the grainy image, the altered color and the fact that you can't really tell what color shirt he is wearing.  Not to mention I cropped the hell out of it, so you can't even tell if he is wearing shorts or jeans.  And the image has been blurred just enough so his faux hawk looks distorted.  Unlike the cats, one day he will look at a scrapbook and wonder why the hell I took such bad photos with all the digital technology available.  Plus, he knows for a fact I have at least 2 pretty decent digital cameras, including one that is a 3D camera.

So I can only imagine that years from now as he leaves to go to college, that he will flip through some photo albums, see these pictures and wonder why I chose to stand there and take a photo with my cell phone and then edit it to somehow make it even worse.

And I am not sure I will really have an answer.